Friday, February 3, 2017

Feature and Follow Friday, Feb 3rd

The Feature and Follow is a Friday meme hosted by Parajunkee of Parajunkee’s View and Alison of Alison Can Read. The idea is very simple and the name explains itself. It is about following and meeting new bloggers. 

This week's post prompt is:
Groundhog Day! What book or scene from a book could you live in and have it on "repeat?"

While I'm sure so many people including myself could easily pick any Harry Potter book, I'm going to go with A Discovery of Witches by Deborah Harkness.  I would love to be a part of this magical adventure as Matthew and Diana join forces and begin to unravel the mystery of the enchanted manuscript at the Bodleian Library at Oxford.  One of my all time favorites.


  1. I tried to read this book once, but I didn't even get started. I was in a horrible reading slump, one of the kind where you just need a break from reading. But I would love to go back and try it again!

  2. I have half read this book! I really need to finish the series! Thank you for the follow!

  3. Oh I really enjoyed that book! I never finished the series though, not sure why.

  4. Ooh nice! Sadly I couldn't get into this one but have seen it around a lot over the years! And Harry is always a viable option! For me Harry is always a given! LOL!

    Here's my Follow Friday

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  5. When I read this about 5 years ago I didn't own Kindle and book #2's (paperback) not available in our country. Would love to revisit Matt and Dianas world!

  6. Ohh great pick I thought the same thing about the Harry Potter books as well. Thank you so much for stopping by my #FFF. Old follower.
